

Products (14)

Below is a list of product(s) matching your search criteria.

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1 - 14 of 14 results
Academic Law Libraries SIS

Join the Academic Law Libraries Special Interest Section (ALL-SIS). You will automatically be added to the ALL-SIS community after payment has been fully processed. Only current AALL members may join a SIS. If you have not yet renewed your 2024-2025 AALL membership, please renew your AALL membership first; you may also add additional SISs at that time.

Member - $20.00
Product #SIS-AC

Join the Black Law Librarians Special Interest Section (BLL-SIS). You will automatically be added to the BLL-SIS community after payment has been fully processed. Only current AALL members may join a SIS. If you have not yet renewed your 2024-2025 AALL membership, please renew your AALL membership first; you may also add additional SISs at that time.

Member - $20.00
Product #SIS-BLL
Foreign, Comparative & International Law SIS

Join the Foreign, Comparative, & International Law Special Interest Section (FCIL-SIS). You will automatically be added to the FCIL-SIS community after payment has been fully processed. Only current AALL members may join a SIS. If you have not yet renewed your 2024-2025 AALL membership, please renew your AALL membership first; you may also add additional SISs at that time.

Member - $20.00
Product #SIS-F
Government Documents SIS

Join the Government Documents Special Interest Section (GD-SIS). You will automatically be added to the GD-SIS community after payment has been fully processed. Only current AALL members may join a SIS. If you have not yet renewed your 2024-2025 AALL membership, please renew your AALL membership first; you may also add additional SISs at that time.

Member - $20.00
Product #SIS-G
Government Law Libraries SIS

Join the Government Law Libraries SIS Special Interest Section (GLL-SIS). You will automatically be added to the GLL-SIS community after payment has been fully processed. Only current AALL members may join a SIS. If you have not yet renewed your 2024-2025 AALL membership, please renew your AALL membership first; you may also add additional SISs at that time.

Individual - $20.00
Member - $20.00
Product #SIS-S
Legal History & Rare Books

Join the Legal History &Rare Books Special Interest Section (LHRB-SIS). You will automatically be added to the LHRB-SIS community after payment has been fully processed. Only current AALL members may join a SIS. If you have not yet renewed your 2024-2025 AALL membership, please renew your AALL membership first; you may also add additional SISs at that time.

Member - $20.00
Product #SIS-LH
Legal Information Services to the Public SIS

Join the Legal Information Services to the Public Special Interest Section of AALL (LISP-SIS). You will automatically be added to the LISP-SIS community after payment has been fully processed. Only current AALL members may join a SIS. If you have not yet renewed your 2024-2025 AALL membership, please renew your AALL membership first; you may also add additional SISs at that time.

Member - $20.00
Product #SIS-LI
Computing Services SIS

Join the Legal Innovation & Technology Special Interest Section (LIT-SIS). You will automatically be added to the LIT-SIS community after payment has been fully processed. Only current AALL members may join a SIS. If you have not yet renewed your 2024-2025 AALL membership, please renew your AALL membership first; you may also add additional SISs at that time.

Member - $20.00
Product #SIS-AU
Online Bibliographic Services SIS

Join the Library Systems & Resource Discovery Special Interest Section (LSRD-SIS). You will automatically be added to the LSRD-SIS community after payment has been fully processed. Only current AALL members may join a SIS. If you have not yet renewed your 2024-2025 AALL membership, please renew your AALL membership first; you may also add additional SISs at that time.

Member - $20.00
Product #SIS-O
Private Law Librarians & Information Professionals SIS

Join the Private Law Librarians & Information Professionals Special Interest Section (PLLIP-SIS). You will automatically be added to the PLLIP-SIS community after payment has been fully processed. Only current AALL members may join a SIS. If you have not yet renewed your 2024-2025 AALL membership, please renew your AALL membership first; you may also add additional SISs at that time.

Member - $20.00
Product #SIS-P
Professional Engagement, Growth & Advancement SIS

Join the Professional Engagement, Growth, and Advancement Special Interest Section (PEGA-SIS). You will automatically be added to the PEGA-SIS community after payment has been fully processed. Only current AALL members may join a SIS. If you have not yet renewed your 2024-2025 AALL membership, please renew your AALL membership first; you may also add additional SISs at that time.

Member - $20.00
Product #SIS-X
Research Instruction & Patron Services SIS

Join the Research Instruction & Patron Services Special Interest Section (RIPS-SIS). You will automatically be added to the RIPS-SIS community after payment has been fully processed. Only current AALL members may join a SIS. If you have not yet renewed your 2024-2025 AALL membership, please renew your AALL membership first; you may also add additional SISs at that time.

Member - $20.00
Product #SIS-R
Social Responsibilities SIS

Join the Social Responsibilities Special Interest Section (SR-SIS). You will automatically be added to the SR-SIS community after payment has been fully processed. Only current AALL members may join a SIS. If you have not yet renewed your 2024-2025 AALL membership, please renew your AALL membership first; you may also add additional SISs at that time.

Member - $20.00
Product #SIS-C
Technical Services SIS

Join the Technical Services Special Interest Section (TS- SIS). You will automatically be added to the TS-SIS community after payment has been fully processed. Only current AALL members may join a SIS. If you have not yet renewed your 2024-2025 AALL membership, please renew your AALL membership first; you may also add additional SISs at that time.

Member - $20.00
Product #SIS-T

1 - 14 of 14 results